
Showing posts from August, 2018

Week 2: Overview of Social Media

Which social media platforms seem geared towards personal use? Why do you think so? The social media platforms geared toward personal use seem to be the ones that are based on user pics and videos such as instagram, snapchat, and and tumblr, for example. I think this is the case because those types of platforms are quick, easy and instantaneous, which lends itself to the sharing of ones personal life without putting a lot of time or thought into it.  Which ones seem to work better for business? What makes them seem more suitable to business use? As a nutritionist, people often ask me if I think a particular food is healthy, or what is the best way to eat. My answer is always the same; it depends on the person. I would imagine the same is true for which social media platforms are better for business: it depends on the business. It would seem, for example, that a business that is artistic in nature such as photography or jewelry would do well with some...

Week 1B: Blogs I commented on

This week I read and commented on the following classmate's blogs: Leslie Montano Michael Plunkett Christina Castaneda Hunter Stennett

Week 1: My Template

Week 1: My Template I was immediately attracted to this template because of the background picture. I love the ocean and am always drawn to blues and greens. After selecting this template I went back and looked at the others and again found myself drawn to the ones that contained the colors I love.  I also love travel and was tempted by one of those but ultimately went with my first choice.  Since this is my first blog and I am unfamiliar with all of the features, I made the assumption that all of the templates have the same capabilities and I should just go with the most visually pleasing. Again, for me, that was the soothing colors of the ocean and the way I felt looking at the picture of the water. I intend to blog about health and recovering from chronic illness and I want my readers to feel calm and happy when visiting my blog. Knowing the psychological impact colors have, I feel good about the choice to go with calming colors.  I also want my blog to be cle...