Week 16: First Post

As someone who does does not use social media in their personal life, this class was incredibly challenging. Just setting up the various accounts was a struggle. Fortunately, I was able to figure out enough to be able to try out the major platforms. I'm still not comfortable using them but I'm hoping that will come with time and practice.
I enjoyed blogging the most. It is the one platform I feel suites my personality and will integrate best with my online nutrition practice. It will provide me the opportunity to present timely and helpful material to my audience.It works well for a variety of topics from research articles to recipes to product reviews.

In addition to blogging, I plan to use email newsletter marketing. It will be a good way for me to keep in touch with my followers. I can announce blog posts and updates as well as provide helpful content like client success stories, meal planning tips and interviews with other practitioners. 

I know having an online business will require me to use the other platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. These are my least favorite, probably because of the millions of selfies and smoothie pics that plague my industry. It's a turn-off for me and I will need to find my own style that fits my personality and doesn't compromise my integrity. 

Over the coming weeks I will work toward getting comfortable with all of social media outlets and develop a strategy. For the next four weeks, I will concentrate on blogging, newsletter, and Facebook. I am aiming for one blog per week, one newsletter per month, and one Facebook post per work day.

Week 1:

Blog post 1
Therapeutic Diets- a review, how to select one and how to customize it.
1 hr per day for research and writing

Facebook- Announce opening of Website, share article written by colleague, video of cooking demo, post recipe, post something humorous. 
30 minutes per day

Week 2:

Blog post 2
Dybiosis- what is it and how it relates to SIBO, IBS, Leaky gut, and autoimmune disease

Facebook- same formula as above with different content

Week 3:

Blog Post 3
Stress and how it effects the microbiome

Facebook- same as above

Week 4:
Blog Post 4
Writing your story and how it impacts healing

Facebook-same as above

Newsletter- will work on newsletter 30 minutes per day. Will be a combo of already posted material and new material. 


  1. Good job trying to get into new things. It will have its obstacles but it looks like you have an organized plan for the next couple weeks. That is one thing setting up a plan then getting started. Looks like you have a lot of detailed information that will help others. Creating blogs and newsletter's will be important into reaching specific clients that will want to read and engage in them.

  2. I really enjoyed reading your post! I like how you went into a lot of detail about what you would be going over and your plan for future posts. It sounds like you are very organized which is a huge asset to have. Great job

  3. I think you've done a great job throughout the semester! I would've never guessed that you weren't experience with the platforms we've been using. I think the plan you've put yourself on will bring you success, and I like that your approach is to stand out from the rest of your competition with the strategies you proposed. Best of luck!

  4. Eva, I appreciate how honest your are about admitting that you had very little experience with social media websites before you had taken this class. However, I think you have definitely shown that you can use them, and not only use them, but use them effectively. I could see how using email newsletters would be the best strategy for you, especially since you probably want to make the information your business offers about healthy living less like the short blurbs you typically see on Instagram or Pinterest and more like official, researched information that customers can rely on and benefit from. You seem to be quite ambitious about using social media regularly, so I imagine that your business would probably thrive.


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