Week Three: Part 2 Business and Communication
I chose two doctors, two nutritionists, and one health coach to study. All five have the type of successful online practice I wish to emulate.
Dr. Ruscio
Platforms and last post date:
Facebook 9/10, Instagram 9/10, Twitter 9/10, You Tube 9/10
Dr. Ruscio has a thriving online practice that I would love to have someday. He has a podcast, blog and website that provide extremely useful information for both his patients and other practitioners. I like how he lets a little of personality and sense of humor show on his social media. All of his platforms are up to date with daily posts. I also know he has a full time stuff, maintaining his media.
Fix Your Digestion- Jillian Teta, ND
Platforms and last post
Facebook 9/8, Instagram 9/8, Twitter 9/8
Jillian is a naturopathic doctor who specializes in digestive health. I love her website and always learn something from her blog posts. I think she uses her social media brilliantly, striking a perfect balance between personal and professional content. She utilizes Facbook primarily to promote her upcoming "schools" which are free online educational programs like, "IBS School" or "Liver and Gallbladder School". Each one is one week in length and includes videos, articles, and other material designed to educate her followers about different digestive problems. At the end of the week followers are invited to sign up for the full 6-8 week course for a fee. She uses her social media platforms to build interest and enthusiasm for her upcoming programs. A brilliant marketing strategy, in my opinion.
Bridgetown Nutrition
Platforms and date of last post
Facebook 9/3, Instagram 9/3, Linkedin( broken link/not on site anymore), Pinterest 9/3
Bridgetown is owned and operated by a nutritionist named Riley. She seems to post roughly once every two weeks on all of her platforms. She uses Facebook the most with lots of helpful information like articles on the latest research and summaries of conferences. Instagram and Pinterest are mostly pics of food with links to her blog for the recipe. I personally like her style, it is very low key and seems to be aimed at truly being helpful versus just promoting herself. I happen to know she has a full practice with a wait list of clients, so she must be doing something right!
Vital Food Therapeutics
Platform and last post:
Facebook 9/10
Kristy Regan, the nutritionist who owns Vital food therapeutics, specializes in a digestive disorder called SIBO. I was surprised to see she only uses Facebook but maybe most of her clients are in-person and so she does not need to promote her practice online. She is very active on Facebook, posting at least once a day. Most of her posts are recipes or articles about food, which makes sense because she is also a natural foods chef.
The Healthy Gut
Platforms and last post date:
Facebook 9/10, Instagram 9/10, Youtube 9/10, Twitter 9/10
This is not a nutrition practice but they do health coaching with an emphasis on nutrition. All social platforms were current with posts at least once a day and very well done. There were informative videos and articles, cooking demos, giveaways and contests, with content differing slightly to accommodate for the differences in platforms. Overall, a great use of social media.
This exploration was very useful in many ways. It helped me get a sense of what my colleagues are doing on social media to represent themselves and also promote their practises. The biggest takeaway was that the most successful practitioners are the ones who are providing the most useful and practical information on their media versus pushing products for sale like supplements or simply promoting their business over and over.
I also liked seeing how each practitioner shared their personal lives on their social media. At one end of the spectrum there is Dr. Ruscio who is uber professional and only lets a tiny bit of himself out with an occasional personal pic or tidbit. On the other end of the spectrum, Rebecca at The Healthy Gut posts daily video diaries on her you tube channel that are extremely personal. In the middle is Jillian at Fix your digestion who is very professional on all but her instagram page which features beautiful daily pics of all the plants and flowers in her amazing garden. It is clearly her passion and interesting to note that she has the most followers there with the most lively conversations.
By studying the colleagues I admire and how they use their social media, I have learned what I want to do and what I don't want to do and have a better idea what will work for me. For example, even though one of the businesses only used Facebook, she had many followers and used it every day in an effective way. I personally would rather go that route than try to keep up with six or seven different social media sites.
This week I posted on the following Blogs:
Chade Montgomery, Kathryn Orcino, Oliva Cruz
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