Get Visual: Post 2

Does visual media work for the type of business I have started?

I initially resisted the idea of using visual media in my nutrition practice. I work with chronically ill clients who are on limited diets and often only eating five different foods. The last thing they want to see is pics of delicious food and drinks they can’t enjoy. I am also squeamish about posting photos of myself and sharing personal information. I came to realize visual media and social media in general is important part of having a successful online practice and will not decrease my credibility as a professional practitioner. I can use visual media to tell my story, to inspire others, and provide hope by sharing carefully chosen visuals and content.

 For this assignment, I purposely chose two people I follow who have successful practices with thriving online communities and staff who handle social media and two people I don’t know but have practices that are similar to mine. I will start with the latter two:

Brie Wieselman- Women’s hormonal health + gut specialist
481 posts
3,913 following

Brie posts every day, without fail. Her posts are receiving anywhere from 160-800 likes, with every post receiving 2-3 comments, sometimes upward of 30. 

I still don't quite understand hashtags or how they are supposed tow work, but she clearly does! Each post had at least 15-20 hashtags. Also, she uses ses lots of emoticons. For the majority of her posts  uses provocative and interesting pics with lots of accompanying text, sharing little pieces of her story intermingled with science and clinical pearls. She always has a call to action in each posts. She has Linktree in her bio with 7 links back to her blog and website.

Christina Tidwell, RN, MN, CHC
Holistic Health Coach (AIP Certified) + RN changing the way we manage Autoimmune Disease!
686 posts
1,117 following

100-200 likes on every post with an average of 20 comments

The ones that get the most likes are the personal ones. Pics of her being real. Showing her daily life.
She also has a podcast somehow on instagram.  Pinterest with lots of inspiration and food/recipes.

The Healthy Gut
 844 posts
1,442 following

50 likes/2 comment for podcast pic almost every single one.
personal ones got more with the highest 189/15 comments. Her elemental diet experience.

Mix of personal and professional and promotional posts. 

Dr. Michael Ruscio
701 posts
2,973 following
Dr. Ruscio posts mostly informational items, the occasional selfie, and promotional items, but he also sprinkles in a few humerous posts or inspirational quotes. For example:

He received 1,575 likes and 16 comments was a cartoon of two avocados with one saying to the other, “I said you’re the good kind of fat”.

The second most liked was a quote by Albert Einstein.

What I took away from this analysis is that the most liked and commented on posts were ones of personal nature such as a photo of the poster with personal information attached or a funny cartoon or an inspirational quote. Which means people do want to connect with a real person in a real way. They want to laugh or be inspired or see the details of life that we all share as humans. So, if the purpose of me utilizing visual media as part of my business is to connect with and inspire others, I will need to get comfortable with sharing my personal life be vulnerable. This is very different than my original plan, which was to approach it from a clinical and scientific mindset, sharing research studies, articles  , and conference take aways, with the occasional pic of nature (which is what inspires me, personally). 

What all four of these thriving businesses are doing is posting every day, tapping in to human emotion in order to connect with their audience, and making themselves relatable by sharing their stories. I was surprised that there weren't more comments in relation to the amount of followers and likes that they have. They all seem to post the same thngs across all of their platforms, though, so maybe they have more comments on Facebook or another platform. Maybe, asking more questions to get the audience involved would elicit more comments.


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