Week 6: Facebook post reach vs post engagement

Facebook post reach is the number of individuals who saw your post in their news feed, whereas post engagement refers to an action an individual performs in response to your post. Specifically, these actions are post clicks, likes, shares, and comments.

Knowing the difference is important because they they tell you different things about your posts. For example, if you are trying to build your fan base or want a certain post to be seen, reach is the most important metric. However, if are looking to build brand loyalty, create relationships with your customers, or determine intent to purchase, engagement is a better indicator of post success.

By using the data collected in Facebook insights you can understand how your fans are reacting to your posts and shape your posts to better serve your customers. For example, you can see the best time of day to post and the best day of the week, when the majority of your fan base is on Facebook. The most popular posts will tell you what type of content your fans enjoy, so you can craft future posts using this type of content. You can even use the negative insights to try and determine what went wrong with a particular post so you can avoid doing it in future posts. 


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