Week 11A: Email Marketing

I plan to send a weekly newsletter with health, nutrition and lifestyle information. Part of my mission statement for my practice is: Educate, Empower, and Inspire. With that in mind, I could divide the newsletter into those three categories and provide different information under each category.

Here are some ideas and examples of what that might look like:

This would be information created to educate my clients and audience on everything from anatomy and physiology and how it relates to symptoms of disease, to the latest research on the microbiome, genetics, and functional medicine testing, for example. This could be an original article of mine, a quick review of a study abstract or a link to a detailed blog post or maybe a link to a colleagues work.

This will be where I present information designed to empower clients to take control of their own health. Ideas for this category include: resources to find qualified practitioner's, tips on how to maximize their time with their Dr. to get what they need out of their appointment, study results they can print out to take to their Dr., etc.

This could be case studies where I share client wins and clinical pearls, parts of my own health journey, product and book reviews, an inspiring guest post, recipes, lifestyle advise for stress management, sleep, meal planning, batch cooking, etc.

I do subscribe to several competitor and colleague newsletters and the ones I find most useful are the ones that have a wealth of practical information that is original like their own clinical pearls, recipes, research reviews or links to seminars and other educational opportunities. The ones I don't like are the ones that are clearly promoting a product where they receive a commission, or ones that provide only fear based information designed to scare people into reading, like "dangers of this food or supplement", or "warning! why you should never do this". I also dislike fluff information with no clinical or scientific backing.


  1. Hello. I really enjoyed reading your post. Overall, you have a very strong and effective blue print for your newsletter. I feel like your subscribers will truly enjoy your content as it would be extremely informative and educational.

  2. I like that you have definitely identified types of email marketing to stay away from. I also like that you plan to tie your mission statement into your email newsletters as that creates good brand awareness. I don't have any additional ideas for you as you seem to have a great grasp of things. Good luck with your venture!


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