Week 14: Facebook Ad

For this week's assignment I created three similar ads with different objectives. Objectives in this instance refer to the point of the ad. When you know the specific point of your ad, you can then test it and measure it's success. The objective of the first ad was to bring awareness to my business and increase engagement on my page. I tried to create interest with a pic of a delicious-looking dessert, then keep the audience's interest with an offer of a free cookbook when they sign up for my newsletter. This cookbook specific for people following an AIP or SIBO specific protocol. The ad targets women, aged 30-65+ The objective of the second ad was to capture email for my newsletter. Since I am a brand new business, it makes sense to build a list of subscribers I can market to as my business grows. I also think email marketing will be effective for me since people who are interested in gut health and autoimmune wellness are usually interested in the topics I will b...