
Showing posts from November, 2018

Week 14: Facebook Ad

For this week's assignment I created three similar ads with different objectives. Objectives in this instance refer to the point of the ad. When you know the specific point of your ad, you can then test it and measure it's success. The objective of the first ad was to bring awareness to my business and increase engagement on my page. I tried to create interest with a pic of a delicious-looking dessert, then keep the audience's interest with an offer of a free cookbook when they sign up for my newsletter. This cookbook specific for people following an AIP or SIBO specific protocol. The ad targets women, aged 30-65+ The objective of the second ad was to capture email for my newsletter. Since I am a brand new business, it makes sense to build a list of subscribers I can market to as my business grows. I also think email marketing will be effective for me since people who are interested in gut health and autoimmune wellness are usually interested in the topics I will b...

Week 13 Part 2: Online Advertising

The purpose of this post is to review the different types of Facebook ads and determine which would be most effective for my business. I will also describe how to best design and implement ads for Facebook using the principles of good design. I will begin by describing the main types of Facebook ads which I have divided into three categories; Traffic and leads for your website, Sales and Leads for your product or service, and Likes and engagement for your page. Traffic and Leads for Your Website These are the types of ads that help drive traffic to your website. This can be either to send users to a page and have them buy something, sign up for your newsletter or some other type of lead generation. Since I am a brand new business, this type of ad makes the most since for me and my current goal of creating an audience. Link Click Ads This ad type helps to promote your website and send people to your landing pages or blog posts. You can use Link Click Ads with several placemen...

Week 13: Online Advertising

For my analysis I chose the following 5 businesses: Dr. Ruscio and Chris Kresser- both functional medicine practitioners who specialize in gut health. The Healthy Gut, SIBO Survivor, AIP Wellness- all three businesses that are run by people who focus on nutrition for gut health and who are/were patients themselves.  The first thing I noticed was that 4 of the 5 recently published books. All four are advertising their books on Facebook and other social media. I wanted to buy all four of their books after viewing the ads, so I think they must be effective! Two were cookbooks and they were particularly appealing because of the gorgeous images of food. Who wouldn't want delicious-looking food while still being compliant on their healing diet? What also made these ads so effective was the use of social media to get their audience involved. AIP wellness, for example, accompanied their cookbook ad with a one hour live Facebook cooking session with the author so you can cook ...

Other Social Media

After reviewing most of the suggested "other" social media outlets, I decided to investigate Linkedin and Meetup to see if they would be a good fit for my business. Below are my findings. Linkedin I was expecting Linkedin to be a bunch of resumes and head shots. Surprisingly, it is my favorite of all the social platforms so far. Because I am a solo business owner and my practice is online, I relish the idea of networking with other like-minded professionals. I particularly found the Groups feature to be intriguing. I selected the following groups to illustrate how Groups could benefit me and my business. Health and Wellness Product Information Group  Standard group 21,941 members About this group Our members are committed to spreading the word about personal wellness and making lifestyle and behavioral changes. This group looks for talented and dedicated people that have a passion for excellence in health care, exercise and nutrition wellness.  Please join us tod...

Week 12: Using other social media

I think  having Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and a blog is enough social media for now. I want to get to know the different platforms and get used to regular posting before I branch out. The exception to this is Linkedin. I will be setting up an account there so I can take advantage of the networking opportunities. As a health care professional, it is important to have professional connections. Since my practice will be primarily online I will have to make an extra effort to network and Linkedin seems like a good place to start. Another advantage of Linkedin is the opportunity to meet and collaborate with other like-minded practitioners. This would be difficult to do with out a networking platform.

Week 11B: Email Marketing

This week I commented on the blogs of: Kathryn Orcino Megan Smith Leslie Montano

Week 11A: Email Marketing

I plan to send a weekly newsletter with health, nutrition and lifestyle information. Part of my mission statement for my practice is: Educate, Empower, and Inspire. With that in mind, I could divide the newsletter into those three categories and provide different information under each category. Here are some ideas and examples of what that might look like: Education: This would be information created to educate my clients and audience on everything from anatomy and physiology and how it relates to symptoms of disease, to the latest research on the microbiome, genetics, and functional medicine testing, for example. This could be an original article of mine, a quick review of a study abstract or a link to a detailed blog post or maybe a link to a colleagues work. Empowerment: This will be where I present information designed to empower clients to take control of their own health. Ideas for this category include: resources to find qualified practitioner's, tips on how to maxi...